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NanoNF 4040 ro-017

Softening and clarification of brackish water

Aplicación Softening and clarification of brackish water
Selectividad, nominal/minima, % 60.00 / 55.00
Productividad, GPD 2 000
Condiciones de prueba *TEST CONDITIONS: test solution of NaCl 500 mg/l, P=0,7 MPa , T=25 C, pH=7,5. Recovery - 15%

NanoNF 8040 ro-018

Softening and clarification of brackish water

Aplicación Softening and clarification of brackish water
Selectividad, nominal/minima, % 60.00 / 55.00
Productividad, GPD 9 500
Condiciones de prueba *TEST CONDITIONS: test solution of NaCl 500 mg/l, P=0,7 , T=25 C, pH=7,5. Recovery - 15%
NF membrane elements do not require active chlorine removal from feed water before introduction into the system